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Monitoring & Analyzing environmental quality experience

The following are some recent outstanding projects: 

Monitoring on-site and environment analysis:

Consultation in supervising, periodically enviroment reporting:

  • Environmental monitoring of coastal works of Vietsovpetro – Joint Venture Vietsovpetro 2019 - 2022.
  • Environmental monitoring quality report of First Solar Vietnam Co., Ltd;
  • The package consulting service “Monitoring environment quality and monitoring input wastewater in office area of Power Generation Corporation 3”;
  • Supervising environment quality periodically in Da Phuoc Integrated Solid Wastes Treatment Plant.
  • Environmental monitoring quality report of Sheico Vietnam Co., Ltd;
  • The package 08 “Consultation in monitoring, analyzing, and supervising environment in the phrase of construction of Song Hau 1 Thermal Power Station”;
  • The package 02 “Construction of international Cai Mep – Thi Vai port”: monitoring, analyzing, and supervising environment quality in the constructing phrase;
  • Supervising environment quality periodically in industrial zones: Cai Mep, Long Binh, Long Duc, and in enterprises in Ho Chi Minh city and surrounding provinces Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Long An, Tay Ninh, Binh Phuoc, Tien Giang, etc.

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