Compliance with water monitoring requirements
With the introduction of Circular 01/2023/TT-BTNMT and QCVN 08:2023/BTNMT National technical regulation on Surface water quality, the Vietnamese government has implemented stricter requirements for water quality assessment and monitoring.
Water quality monitoring consists of two program components in complying with the Vietnamese standards QCVN 08:2023/BTNMT National technical regulation on Surface water quality:
- Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP)
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Program
Environmental water quality monitoring parameters include a wide range of physical, biological, and chemical parameters, such as pH, DO, TSS, COD, BOD, Heavy metals, TOC, Halogens, E. coli, Coliforms, Chloroform, Chlorophyll, PCBs, Aldrin, Lindane, Dieldrin, Phenol, Benzene, pesticides, and other significant contaminants. This monitoring applies to state environmental management agencies, organizations, communities, and individuals involved in activities related to surface water quality in Vietnam, including aquaculture, agriculture, industry, and more.

Eurofins' team of experienced environmental experts is well-versed in the latest regulations and can provide comprehensive water monitoring services to help our clients stay compliant.
Contact us today!