Control of 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) in food

6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) and potential risks
6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) is a synthetic cytokinin, widely used in plant biology research and in agriculture. 6-BAP promotes cell division and expansion of plants, helping plant growth and development. This compound can also be used to promote bud formation and produce higher-performing plants, enhancing the development of flowers and fruits. The application of 6-BAP is not only limited to the research field but also in improving the quality and yield of agriculture.
Currently, information on the risk of 6-Benzylaminopurine to human health through food consumption has not been thoroughly studied and specifically published. The safety of 6-BAP for humans when exposed to food is still an issue that has not been thoroughly studied, however, this substance does not cause acute poisoning with manifestations on the nervous system such as dizziness, vertigo, and vomiting. It has a long-term effect on internal organs, gradually entering the reproductive organs, and mature cells, stimulating growth, and weakening health, leading to diseases.
Control of 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) in food
Currently, the compound 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) is not yet mentioned in Appendix I of the List of Plant Protection Drugs Prohibited for Use in Vietnam (Circular 09/2023/TT-BNNPTNT). In addition, according to the regulations of markets such as the EU, the United States, China, Australia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, and the UAE, this compound still does not have specific control threshold regulations.
Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang is capable of analyzing the compound 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) at LOD 0.003 mg/Kg and LOQ 0.01 mg/Kg on food samples using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with MS/MS mass spectrometry.
Eurofins' method has been specified to ISO 17025 for food samples. The analysis time of the rapid method with high accuracy can meet the time requirements of 24h and 48h.
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To send samples or find more information, please contact us at:
Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang
- Lot E2b-3, D6 Street, Hi-Tech Park, City. Thu Duc
- 4th floor - Building B, No. 103 Van Phuc Street, Ha Dong District, Hanoi
- Room 319, Vietnam - Korea High-Tech Incubator, Road No. 8, Industrial Park Tra Noc 2, O Mon District, City. Can Tho
Hotline: (+84) 28 7107 78 79 - press 1 (Sales Dept.)