ESG Due Diligence for Financial Transaction (ESGDD)
Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang possesses experienced professionals who gained trust in consulting Environment, Social and Governance site assessment - ESG
Investors need to practice ESG
ESG is an acronym for E-Environmental; S-Social and G-Governance are a set of standards to measure factors related to sustainable development and the impact of businesses on the community.
- Environmental factors are assessments of environmental impacts from an enterprise's business and production activities, including the company's use of energy resources, waste management policies, impacts and corporate efforts on net emissions and climate change.
- The Social dimension evaluates a business's impact on social issues inside and outside the business, such as worker rights, workplace policies, employee health and training.
- Governance assessment criteria are issues and efforts related to decision making and corporate culture of transparency, accountability, inclusiveness and compliance.
The ESG standards set has been a key factor in assessing the "health" of a business; contributing to attracting investment capital as well as increasing business value locally and globally.
ESG Due Diligence for Financial Transaction (ESGDD) at Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang
Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang possesses experienced professionals who gained trust in consulting environment, social and governance site assessment following Equator Principles, ASTM 1527-13, IFC Performance Standards for nationwide financial transaction (M&A) projects under a variety of industrial demands ranging from thermal plant construction, semiconductor manufacturing, coolant logistics to as well as ready-built leasing real estate for international financial investors.
We are also competent to analyse a wide range of environmental contaminants e.g. POPs, PCBs, ACMs, Dioxins/Furans in laboratory settings.
Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang environmental services
Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang uses a very large selection of methods, under internationally approved quality systems and the relevant accreditation and approvals. Our highly trained employees have built fair experience, and knowledge over the years to deliver these testing, samplings, and quality evaluation thoroughly.
Or contact us to receive a consultation and quote
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